Pond Care - Naturalist Notes

The Nature Center four-acre pond will be receiving an upgrade. Our assessments of the pond's health indicates the need for proper aeration. Aeration is vital in the summer months to keep dissolved oxygen available for the fish when temperatures are at their highest. In the winter, aeration keeps oxygen levels up so harmful gases do not get trapped below the ice.

Proper aeration improves water quality, breaks down organic debris (muck) and improves the overall ecosystem in the pond. Aeration works by circulating the entire pond's water column from top to bottom. This circulation drives oxygen to the bottom of the pond allowing "good" bacteria to digest muck, reducing algae and weed growth while increasing the overall dissolved oxygen in the pond.

Installing an aeration system is the key for creating the perfect pond. The benefits provided by aeration will keep our pond clean, clear and balanced all season long.

Stay tuned as improvements are in the near future to help our pond's health. We look forward to sharing updates in the coming months.

Submitted by Cass Arsenault, Lead Naturalist, and Brian Klostermen, October 2021


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