Friends of the Johnson Nature Center

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About Friends

Friends of the Johnson Nature Center is a volunteer run 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Johnson Nature Center. Our membership is open to everyone. Our board meets the third Tuesday of each month.

Today, Friends exists to support the Johnson Nature Center property, through its renewed mission and vision:

VISION: We envision a place where all people experience connectedness with nature in a healthy native Michigan ecosystem, and are inspired to respectfully care for our planet.

MISSION: Friends of the Johnson Nature Center supports the mission of the Johnson Nature Center through ecological conservation, community outreach, volunteerism, and fundraising.

OUR STORY: In 2005, our nonprofit organization was created out of the need to fund a much needed visitors center. We humbly began operating in early 2006 with 85 contributions from the community and 89 members committing to help us sustain the organization. We are continuing to grow to benefit our natural space at the JNC and its community and hope that you will consider joining us in our efforts.

Volunteer to make a difference

We are always looking for great volunteers who want to be a part of the efforts here at the JNC. Various opportunities are available: From getting a bit dirty in conservation work and projects, to being a part of our event committee to serving on our board in meaningful ways.

Board interest form

All volunteers are required to complete a background check through our partner, Bloomfield Hills Schools. Please visit this link to complete this process.

Questions? Please inquire at


Our sugar bush is aging. In order to continue popular community programs like maple sugaring, we need to address the ecological needs of the bush, including planting a succession on new maples.

Adopt a Tree today!

Become a Friend

Membership Information

When you sign up to be a member you are signing up to protect and improve this amazing 40+ acre treasure. We invite you to join us in supporting the Johnson Nature Center. As a Friend, you are contributing directly to the protection of our local eco-system, providing a protected natural environment for people of all ages to connect and learn about the beauty around us.

Please consider supporting by becoming a member:

Individual: $35 yearly

Family: $55 yearly

Sustaining: $175

Donor: $500

MEMBER LOGON: Thank you for supporting the nature center! You may now login to the member portal to access your account. You can view your electronic membership card in your account.


 To access your account, please follow the directions below.

 1. Visit HERE

 2. Click: Need Help Logging On?

 3. Enter the email address associated with your membership. For most members, it will be the email address that received this message.

 4. Click Continue. You'll receive an email with your log-in information. You will be prompted to create your new password as soon as you log in.

Help Fund the Mission

Your donation directly supports

  • Fundraising for the potential land acquisition opportunity.

  • Native plantings like pollinator gardens to support a healthy Michigan ecosystem at the JNC

  • Improved educational and way-finding signage, so that all community visitors may easily identify trails and gain a valuable understanding of the natural landscape they encounter while at the JNC

  • Sugar Bush restoration to ensure our Maple grove and tapping program is sustained for years to come

  • Summer camps: providing opportunities for children to attend JNC summer camps

  • Animal ambassador (deer, wild birds and captive birds) diet and care.

  • the JNC Wishlist

Every dollar helps fund our mission and is tax deductible.

We truly appreciate your contribution!

Past Events

Forest to Table Fundraiser

The Detroit Institute of Arts 2023 Inside | Out installations

The Detroit Institute of Arts 2023 Inside | Out installations were set up along the trails of Johnson Nature Center by way of a grant acquired by the Friends. Details HERE.

Alan Jaros

Director of Johnson Nature Center

 Board of Directors

Mike Socha


Howard Baron

Vice President

Madison Hudepohl


Dave Richter


Angel Lau


Adam Berk


Jen Heard
