Bird Talk - Winter Preperation

November means colder weather and fewer birds, but our local birds will visit your backyard if you provide them with food and water. A heated water source (so it doesn't freeze) is the most important necessity for birds, and a heated birdbath from a local home improvement or bird store will offer views of many species as they come to drink. Just remember to scrub out the bowl every few days to keep it clean.

Cardinals, jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, sparrows, chickadees, and titmice are among the birds that would also enjoy feasting on black oil sunflower seeds, suet, and thistle seeds in backyard feeders. If the kids (and adults) pile up sticks in a corner of the yard, the birds can find shelter from the weather. Also, leave leaves on the ground under bushes where birds can search for insects, and let dead flower heads and stalks remain on plants, again to provide food for birds and shelter for their insect food.

If you keep a yard list of the birds you see (and hear) in your yard, you may be surprised at how many winter visitors you will discover.

Blanche Wicke, October 2021


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