Birding Events
Community Birding Programs
(See “Learning” for school programs and scout programs for birding)
Introduction to Birding
Reconnect with nature at the Johnson Nature Center by joining us on a guided hike that reveals the wide, wonderful, and whimsical world of birds! With an area that spans nearly 45 acres, the nature center has become a popular “stop-over” for migrating birds. This gives interested birders the opportunity to view them within several habitats the nature center offers, such as forest, prairie, and wetland. What birds will be spotted next? What are some crazy bird stories that have happened here? Is a bird a dinosaur in disguise? Find out all these things and more in this recurring program being held the last Saturday of the month, April through August.
Cost: $12 per person (1 year old and younger - Free)
All ages
Time: 8am-10am
Available Dates: April 29, May 27, June 24, July 29, Aug 26
Great Backyard Bird Count
February 18, 2023 11a-1p or 1p-3p
Connect to birds, to nature and with the Johnson Nature Center. Join us on a guided bird hike, to support Audubon with their annual community science project, the Great Backyard Bird Count. While on the hike, our partner Oakland Audubon Society (OAS) & a JNC naturalist will share their skills on how to find and identify birds. An indoor children's activity will be provided after the hike. OAS is providing a FREE suet log to participants (while supplies last). The children's activity is geared towards ages 5+.
Ages: 5 yrs through adult for guided hike and activity
Cost: $12 per person for hike, $14 per person with added children's activity.
Thank you to our friends at Oakland Audubon Society for making this event possible!
We are so grateful for our partnership.