Sounds Like Love is in the Air
You might be hearing some new sounds in the air with bird migration ramping up. The Sandhill Cranes and Red-wing Blackbirds are typically the first migratory birds to appear back in Michigan. As we all know, the early bird gets the…prime real estate.
Sandhill Cranes are the largest birds in Michigan and are notably LOUD. Crane-speak is to keep the family together, to signal danger, and to reinforce the pair-bond. The unison call is a duet done by a breeding pair where the female makes a two-note call and the male calls back with a one-note reply. Sandhill Crane pairs mate for life!
Sandhill Cranes. Photo credit: Michigan Audubon
The male Red-winged Blackbirds arrive to get settled in the cattail marshes. You’ll hear the male call on the marsh Land to make his territory known and get ready for many female mates - up to 15 in some cases - that will arrive in April.
Red-wing Blackbird. Photo Credit: The Cornell Lab: All About Birds
BirdCast is an engaging tool that can share bird migration forecast maps and local bird migration alerts. Be sure to check out this awesome resource and keep your eyes (and ears) on the sky!
Written by Cass Arsenault, Lead Naturalist, April 2022