P.R.E.P. Program

P.R.E.P. (Prepared, Responsible, Employable, and Productive) is a post-secondary educational program in the Bloomfield Hills School district. The program serves young adults between the ages of 18 - 26 who have developmental, emotional, and physical disabilities. The primary goal of the program is to teach and prepare students how to transition from school to independent living. The four areas of transition and main focus of the program revolves around education, training, employment, and independence. 

P.R.E.P. offers instruction in daily living, domestic, and social skills, as well as functional academics and employment skills. A big component of the program is participation in community-based work training opportunities in varied settings in the resident’s surrounding areas. Recently, the program was granted a 2 year opportunity to use a home that is located at the Johnson Nature Center on Franklin road in an effort to practice real-life daily living skills at maintaining a residence. The home is shared with the Troy school district's Transition program, and the students and staff share monthly "after school social gatherings" so the students can interact and experience activities outside of the school setting.

The P.R.E.P. program is housed in the district’s administration building on Wing Lake road which allows awesome opportunities for the students to participate in various activities and work duties throughout the building. In addition, the students in the program operate the P.R.E.P. Workshop and sell the products created in the P.R.E.P. Market. 

Through the commitment of the staff, support of its families, the District, and local businesses, the Bloomfield Hills Schools P.R.E.P. program is dedicated to helping each student become a Prepared, Responsible, Employable, and Productive member of the community.

Lisa Brown, BHS Transition Coordinator

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What We’re Reading - A Sand County Almanac


Bird Talk - Kensington Metropark