Bird Talk - Kensington Metropark
Migration continues through October. Many warblers have flown south, but ducks and shore birds can still be viewed at area lakes. One park with a lot of water is Kensington Metropark.
Kensington has a Nature Center, a Farm with baby animals, biking and hiking trails, playgrounds, and many places to view water birds. It also offers a special attraction--on the paths near the NC, the birds have learned to land on outstretched hands to eat sunflower seeds! If you offer black oil sunflower seeds and stand quietly, you might have a close-up encounter with a Chickadee, Titmouse, Nuthatch, or even a Red-bellied Woodpecker. However, the park asks that you not feed the Wild Turkeys or Sandhill Cranes by hand--their bills are big and sharp!
Blanche Wicke, September 2021
Tufted Titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor