February 2022: Farm
This month’s visit to the farm was extra special for one big (yet little) reason… Baby animals!! Students were able to experience the joy that new life brings to a farm.
First stop: Lambs
Lambs can be tricky to catch if you’re not fast enough! Lucky for us, a high school student was able to catch one so students were able to have a close interaction. Through this experience, students observed physical traits of the lamb and compared what was similar and different between lambs and adult sheep.
From ‘Baa’ to ‘Oink;
Get ready for a piglet overload!
Watch your toes! Piglets are very curious and love to nibble at your pants and shoes.
Winter Festival
Prior to their trip to the farm, each student was invited to attend our first ever DK Winter Festival. But this invitation came with a challenge! One of the events of Winter Festival was sledding, and students were challenged to work together in teams to build sleds out of just two materials: cardboard and tape. This project required planning, listening to each other’s ideas, trial and error, and lots of creative thinking!