Creature Feature: Clean as a Whistle
By: Zachary Mork, Instructional Guide
As we follow along our calendar year, we come to February. The month of February had its origins during Roman times, and the latin word “februa” means to cleanse or purify. For this month’s Creature Feature, let’s highlight a few animals that have a reputation for their cleanliness.
Bobcat - For viewers that have a domesticated cat at home, it should be no surprise to see a wildcat species in this feature, as cats spend a good chunk of their time grooming. The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a secretive feline found all across North and Central America. Most of their activity happens around sunrise and sunset, which matches the routines of other prey animals, such as rabbits and deer. When not on the hunt, these cats will spend their time napping and grooming. Licking themselves (grooming) is done for a couple of reasons. It can help straighten and remove hair, remove dust and dirt, and is used as a way to cool off during a hot day. Regardless of the purpose, you may expect grooming on a bobcat’s daily to-do list.
American Badger - Short, yet slender, the American badger (Taxidea taxus) is a member of the weasel family known as Mustelidae. They come out from their burrows at night to hunt for other small animals in fields, prairies, and grasslands. Like many species, badgers also partake in grooming. Additionally, one interesting fact about their cleanliness is that they often tidy and replace old vegetation in their burrow, which is used in their den as bedding. By doing this, badgers prevent unwanted hitchhikers such as fleas and lice from spreading
Virginia Opossum - The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is a nocturnal species that has an important role in cleaning up the environment. These marsupials are scavengers, with an omnivorous diet of plants and animals. As a marsupial, their body temperature is lower compared to other mammals found throughout Michigan, and North America. As a result, they are remarkably resistant to certain viral diseases, such as rabies, since the virus requires a higher body temperature to replicate.
Let’s give these squeaky clean critters an imaginary high-five for their cleanliness!